Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Teatro del Pueblo is On the Move!

We are currently booking our touring plays and residencies. Call us now to book a performance, residency or workshop at your school, college, or organization:

College and High School Tours

Help Wanted
by Virginia McFerran

Three actors play multiple roles in this satire
about immigration and workers rights.

Echoes from the New World
By Ric Oquita

A revisionist history of Latin America from
the Woman’s point of view

For Mi Chichi
By Tere Martinez

A young Dominican woman struggles to learn
English and keep her identity in this
heartwarming story

Elementary School Tours

By José Cruz González

The childhood of civil rights leader César
Chávez, as seen through the eyes of his
older sister Rita.

The Great Cheese Adventures
of Mexico

A puppet show about cooking, camarederie
and cross-cultural understanding

Residencies and Workshops

Teatro del Pueblo provides custom residencies
based on schools’ needs. We work closesly
with schools to create curriculum based
residencies that incorporate theatre techniques

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