Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Grant Land

It's a time for celebrations! Graudtion and wedding season are upon us. Teatro is celebrating too! It's that crucial time of year the June fiscal turn over! Which means lots of foundations are giving out grants.

We were fortunate enough this year to have recieved a grant from the Target Foundation, COMPAS school arts fund, and the COMPAS global artists.

While these large donations from foundations, corporations, and businesses are important.

For most of us the government stimulus check has come in the mail. You are already a integral part of the Teatro family, and we hope that you would consider donating part or all of it to Teatro del Pueblo. You may have plans for the check already but donating even a small amount helps a great deal. For many organizations fundraising at this time of the year slows to a crawl, but you can help us combat this trend. We would greatly appreciate any and all donations of money, time and support.

So we are offering up a toast "Good luck Teatro keep on truckin'"

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