Friday, May 18, 2012

Touring "Help Wanted"

Our show "Help Wanted", written and directed by Virginia McFerran has been touring to schools and universities with great success. This is one of our most well received shows by teachers and school administrators because it opens a dialog about immgration, diversity, unions, civil and gender rights.

At Drake University, Des Moines IA, on April 5, 2012
The actors in Help Wanted include: Joy Chavarria, Katia Cardenas, Delta Giordano, Silvia Pontaza, Matt Rei. Touring Stage manager Juan Lopez.

On May 9, 2012, The Mankato Diversity Council brought schools from the area together to participate in The Integration Collaborative Program, where Teatro del Pueblo presented "Help Wanted" to four hundred middle school and high school students, who came to Gustavus Adolphus College, where this activity wa being held. At the end of the show, all the students participated in a workshop about diversity, lead by Al Justiniano from Teatro del Pueblo

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