Monday, August 30, 2010

What's new for Teatro?

Summer is winding down and along with cooler winds and shorter days come exciting new changes! Here at Teatro del Pueblo, one of those crisp breezes blew in our new AmeriCorp Vista worker, Jonelle Carrera. Jonelle will be joining us for the year as an Educational Coordinator where her main project will be creating our Open Minds program which will target the problem of low education rates for Latino students through theater exercises.

Of course no back-to-school season is complete without the return of Teatro's educational residencies. We have several shows that are appropriate for different age groups from pre-school up through college. If you are interested in collaborating with Teatro this school year, call us at 651-224-8806 and ask for Al.

Our artistic season is gearing up as well as we dive right into the West Side Theater Project's performance, Phantom of the Kitchen. Written by Teatro's Executive Director Al Justiniano, Phantom is a celebration of Latino culture and cooking that takes place right in our own backyard- or at least our neighborhood- St. Paul's West Side. Phantom of the Kitchen is running September 10-12 at the Wellstone Stage at Neighborhood House and tickets are available at or by calling 1-800-838-3006.

We are also in the process of preparing for our 10th annual Political Theatre Festival which will take place from late February to early March 2011. The PTF will feature a variety of one-act plays that all deal with the theme "Latinos in Transition". We are currently still accepting scripts for the Festival, so if you have a play that runs 15 to 45 minutes long, features no more than three actors and has minimal props/set, we would love to see it. Just e-mail the script, a synopsis and a character breakdown to as soon as possible and we will check it out!

Stay tuned to the blog, our website or our Facebook page for more updates!