The Political Theatre Festival Starts tommorrow!!!!
Tickets are
$15 General Admission
$12 Students/Seniors/Fringe Buttons
$11 Group Rate (10 or more)
There are also 3 Pay-What-You-Can dates:
Feb. 25 at 8:00 pm
Feb. 28 at 7:00 pm
Mar. 3 at 8:00 pm
No reservations are taken for pay-what-you-can shows; $8 suggested donation.
Series A Thursday, Feb. 25, 8:00 pm (Pay What You Can)
Saturday, Feb. 27, 8:00 pm
Sunday, Feb. 28, 7:00 pm (Pay What You Can)
Friday, Mar. 5, 8:00 pm
Sunday, Mar. 7, 2:00 pm
The American Is Dreaming by Ignacio Zulueta
An interactive, improv-based show following the Immigration and Naturalization process for citizenship in America. No two performances are alike, as each performance is altered based on the audience’s input throughout the play.
Whatever and Delicately by Pia Wilson
Two women with very different perspectives on life find themselves in a long conversation in the ladies' restroom of an upscale Mexican restaurant. Their conversation reveals just how wrong first impressions can be when you take the time to really look beyond the surface.
American Civil Liberties by Dominic Orlando
An Illegal Immigrant's name appears in a New York Times article saying she has died while being detained by the Division of Immigrant Health Services. John seeks out answers for this woman's family, but the INS manager tries denying any involvement with this dark case.
Series B Friday, Feb. 26, 8:00 pm: B
Sunday, Feb. 28, 2:00 pm: B
Wednesday, Mar. 3, 8:00 pm: B (Pay What You Can)
Thursday, Mar. 4, 8:00 pm: B
Saturday, Mar. 6, 8:00 pm: B
Embassy of the Americas by Dominic Orlando
One man’s trying ordeal to get an entrance visa into the US at the American embassy becomes a test of wills. Does it pay to follow all the rules and procedures, whether or not they make any sense? He wants to become an American because he loves America, but is that enough?
Sarita, The Frowning Immigrant by Guillermo Reyes
A girl from El Salvador comes to Los Angeles and undergoes a series of surgeries to restore her smile. This piece touches on the ironies of life as an immigrant in the US and how something as simple as smiling can change your life.
The Free Market by Dominic Orlando
A man is confronted by his past late one night outside his house. The unexpected, undocumented visitor reminds him of his prior transgression. Who is the criminal and who is the victim? You decide.
Series A and B at the Gremlin Theatre2400 University Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55104
Series CMarch 11 - 13
Thursday, Mar. 11, 8:00 pm
Friday, Mar. 12, 8:00 pm
Saturday, Mar. 13, 8:00 pm
at Intermedia Arts2822 South Lyndale Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55408
N.E. 2nd Avenue written and performed by guest artist Teo Castellanos
This one-man play is a compilation of characters that make Miami their home. A jitney—a small Caribbean bus—becomes a metaphor for a journey that takes the audience through the bumpy streets of this city. The work conveys with poignancy and humor the profoundly rich and textured mix of Miami in which distinct Cuban, Haitian, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Jewish, Gay/Lesbian, and African American influences emerge. N.E. 2nd Avenue brings voices to Miami's marginalized urban populations, exploring underlying issues of racism and social injustice, acknowledging the differences among us and ultimately discovering the common threads that bind us together.