Teatro del Pueblo is seeking submissions for its Ninth Annual Political Theatre Festival!
Since 2002, Teatro del Pueblo’s Political Theater Festival has given voice to a wide range of contemporary Latino issues. This year’s festival theme, “Across the Divide,” seeks to explore the geo-political divide between the United States and Latin America as well as the infamous “gender divide.” We are therefore looking for fresh, dynamic plays that pertain to Latino immigration and/or Latina women’s issues.
Characters: 3 maximum
Length: 15 – 45 minutes
Minimal sets, please.
To submit electronically, please e-mail a copy of your play to al@teatrodelpueblo.org with “PTF 2010 PLAY SUBMISSION” in the subject line.
You may also send a hard copy of your submission to:
Teatro del Pueblo
209 Page Street W. #213
St. Paul, MN 55107
DEADLINE: Postmarked no later than September 15th,
We look forward to reading your work!